What is subcutaneous induration? How common is it and how long does it last?

“Subcutaneous induration” is firmness under the skin and it generally happens around the incisions. This kind of excessive firmness can last 2-3 months and often is due to poor lymphatic drainage from creases in the lower abdomen when sitting. Standing tall, getting lymphatic massage, and ultrasound treatments can help break up the firmness.

Does insurance cover body contouring?

Insurance does cover gender-focused body contouring a large amount of the time, but sometimes people don’t seek insurance approval (or don’t get contouring done at all) because they think it will not be approved. Email our Insurance Concierge to learn if your insurance plan covers gender-focused body contouring.

What are the major safety risks and complications of body contouring?

Though liposuction is typically a safe and successful procedure, all surgeries carry a degree of risk and uncertainty.  Mild discomfort is common, as well as swelling, bruising and temporary numbness. Irregularities or uneven results are also possible. Serious complications associated with liposuction are rare. If you are worried about potential risks or have additional questions, Dr. Mosser would be happy to discuss them with you during a personal consultation.

What does gender-focused body contouring recovery look like?

You are able to begin walking immediately after surgery – that same day and certainly the following day.  Within a few days however, you should be able to resume light activity. You can only lift 5 pounds until about three weeks after surgery, and can lift 20 pounds from three to six weeks after surgery.  Cardiovascular exercise can be started at three weeks after surgery.

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