
    vaginoplasty is a procedure pursued by patients interested in having a vaginal canal to use for penetrative solo and/or partnered sex. The depth of the canal can be discussed with your surgeon. To maintain a vaginal canal, lifelong dilation is required.

    At the GCC, the most common procedure we perform is a two-stage penile inversion vaginoplasty. This method is Dr. Ley’s signature approach and is preferred by patients because of its durability and the consistency of aesthetic results it produces. In other words, it yields a comparatively low revision rate to other procedures. Alternatively, the vaginal canal can also be lined with tissue from the rectum or inner abdomen.

    A traditional vaginoplasty creates a clitoris from the penile gland tissues. This means that full erotic sensation is preserved; most patients can expect to regain the capacity to orgasm 3-9 months after surgery. You can find more information on the recovery process here.

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