
Our Philosophy

From our website to our office experience, we provide a supportive environment for patients to ask questions and learn about best practices in order to make the best decision for their surgical transition.

We believe that it is every person’s right to feel comfortable in their own body. This is why we use the informed consent  model for our non-adolescent patients, and recognize that there are genders beyond the binary. Moreover, we have an insurance advocacy team who have successfully secured insurance coverage for over 90% of our patients.

We hope to reinforce the competent and respectful experience our patients deserve across our entire patient experience. All staff members, even those who do not regularly interact with patients, have received training and education on transgender identities and healthcare. In our office, inclusion and empowerment of the trans community is paramount.

We admire the authentic self that emerges from within throughout this journey. Our surgeons are skilled in a wide variety of techniques, we lay out all possible options for every individual patient so they can personalize surgery according to their needs and preferences.

We strive to help trans people to reach their personal ideal outcomes. Through attendance at international transgender conferences, our surgeons strive to educate themselves on the needs of the transgender community, and collaborate with fellow medical professionals to ensure transgender healthcare receives the attention and knowledge-sharing it needs to properly serve all transgender people, not just those that come to our practice. 

About Dr. Mosser

Dr. Mosser is a Board-Certified plastic surgeon who has a deep and long-lasting commitment to gender confirmation surgery. He has over 13 years of experience performing gender affirming surgeries and has been exclusively devoted to gender affirming care since the opening of The Gender Confirmation Center in 2013. Dr. Mosser believes that the best results are obtained when he first understands the needs and desires of his patients, and then empowers them with the understanding of what leads up to and comes after surgery. He emphasizes a superior level of customer service and compassion from start to finish, with the hope that his patients know  they have the full support of the entire team from the initial consultation  through the completion of recovery.

Dr. Mosser always works to educate himself on the emerging needs of the transgender community, and spends time educating fellow medical professionals on the challenges and inspiration that trans individuals bring to the surgical experience.

Dr. Mosser’s Credentials

Dr. Mosser is a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon. He is a cofounder of the American Society of Gender Surgeons (ASGS), a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), ia member of World Professional Association of Transgender Health, (WPATH), and the United States Professional Association of Transgender Health (USPATH), and is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS). Learn more about Dr. Mosser’s medical training and meet the rest of our team here.

Request a Free Surgical Consultation Today.

All virtual and in-person consultations with our board-certified surgeons are free. Once you fill out this form, our patient care team will reach out and guide you through every step to get to surgery.

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