phoca_thumb_l_Patient-2cYour Quick Guide to Exercising After MTF Breast Implants

Exercise after having breast implants is a common concern of women who are considering breast augmentation. Often, these women would wonder if the implants themselves could affect their exercise routine.
At Dr. Mosser’s practice, we have helped physically active women — from competitive athletes to yoga enthusiasts to professional dancers return to their regular workout routine after breast augmentation without sacrificing healing and recovery periods.

Setting Expectations with Your MTF Breast Augmentation Surgeon

During your first visit, Dr. Mosser encourages patients who want breast augmentation to share their cosmetic preferences and aesthetic goals. Expectations following surgery should also be thoroughly discussed, including questions about exercise and physical activity. By the end of the consultation, you and Dr. Mosser should be in the same page regarding the surgery itself and the recovery period. Keep in mind that recovery influences half of the surgical outcomes of the procedure.

Exercise Recommendations Following MTF Breast Augmentation

Generally, we recommend the following guidelines on physical activity following breast augmentation:

First Week After MTF Breast Augmentation – Exercise should be out of the question and getting enough rest should be a priority during the first week after breast augmentation. Moving around the house to eat, take a bath, or get some fresh air outside should be enough to keep your circulation going.

A Week After MTF Breast Augmentation – Light or low-impact cardio activities that involve the lower body such as stationary bicycle or treadmill  can be done during this period. Upper body exercises should be avoided at all costs around this time. Avoid the urge to increase your mileage or reps even though you feel fine.

3 to 4 Weeks After MTF Breast Augmentation – With approval from Dr. Mosser, you can perform low impact cardio, isolated upper body workouts, and leg exercises. It is best to work with a trainer or coach who have previous experience in training postoperative individuals.

6 Weeks After MTF Breast Augmentation – There should be no activity restrictions around this time but Dr. Mosser recommends that you gradually resume to your routine and take the time to listen to your body.

Ultimately, exercise following breast implant placement should focus on preventing overstraining the pectoralis or chest muscles. Call us at 415.780.1515 to learn more about breast augmentation today. We’d love to hear from you!