
Breast Augmentation Top Surgery Details

In this article, we will discuss the process on the day of your breast augmentation top surgery, formerly referred to as MTF top surgery or MTF breast augmentation. Here we explore important details about your anesthesia, possible incision locations based on your surgical plan, and the initial post-operative hours following your gender affirming surgery. We also provide information on a few recovery instructions to help you prepare and understand what to expect during your procedure.

Breast augmentation top surgery is a highly popular surgical option for trans and nonbinary people.  Breast augmentation is used to enhance both the size and contours of the breasts through the placement of saline or silicone implants.

If you’re considering breast augmentation top surgery, you might have a lot of questions about surgery. During your consultation, you will have a physical exam as well as the opportunity to discuss the details of your surgery at length. Based on this information, your surgeon will work with you to design a personalized surgical plan.

The Process

Breast augmentation is an outpatient procedure (you’ll be able to return home the same day as surgery) that is typically completed in 2 hours.  Breast augmentation can be performed using general or local anesthesia combined with sedation, depending on your surgeon’s  recommendation.

Once you’re comfortable, your surgeon will begin by making the appropriate incisions for your implants. Possible incision locations include:

  • Periareolar – An incision that runs along the circumference of the areola (pigmented area around the nipple).
  • Transaxillary – An incision made in the armpit, in the natural folds of the skin.
  • Inframammary – An incision made near the fold or lower bottom of the chest muscle.This is the most common incision type chosen for patients.

Through the incision, your surgeon  will create a pocket in front of or behind your chest muscle and your implant will be carefully placed within the breast tissue. Your incisions will then be secured with adhesives, sutures, or surgical tape, and your chest will be wrapped in dressings or a surgical bra.

Following surgery, you will be transported to a recovery area where you will be monitored for the first few hours of your recovery.

When You Wake Up From Surgery

One of our  primary goals is to help you have a safe and fast recovery. When you wake up from surgery, it’s normal to feel groggy or disoriented. Most patients experience some initial bruising and swelling that will gradually dissipate over the course of several weeks.

Your level of discomfort will depend on where your implants are placed. If your implants are placed on top of your chest muscle, your pain will subside quicker (in about a day) than if they are placed under the chest muscle (a few days). Your surgeon  will provide you with prescription pain medication to make sure that you are comfortable during recovery.

Before you leave the recovery area,  our staff will provide you with specific aftercare instructions for the first 48 hours of your recovery that may include the following:

  • You will need to consume a liquid diet, slowly advancing to light foods before resuming your normal diet.
  • You should avoid using your arms to support your body or lift anything over 5 lbs (nothing heavier than a gallon of milk).
  • You shouldn’t shower until sutures are removed at your first post-operative appointment. Your incisions should be kept clean and dry at all times during your recovery.
  • Too much activity after surgery can be hard on your body. Bed rest and relaxation after surgery are an important part of the recovery process.

You will be unable to drive yourself home following surgery, so it’s important to set up appropriate transportation from a friend or relative. You will also need someone to drive you back to our office for your follow up visit (usually 6-7 days after surgery).

Sign Up For Instructions To Get a Virtual Consultation

The virtual consultation will be billed to your insurance company. We will accept the insurance reimbursement as payment in full.

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