
    Surgery with Dr. Mosser has truly been a transformative, life-changing experience. Today I am comfortable and confident to say I am trans: a conclusion that took years to reach.

    Navigating through the US healthcare system has been an ongoing challenge, especially as a foreign-born, non-binary person. Growing up between two cultures and juggling with differently defined gender roles, I have struggled with the idea that I wasn’t “trans enough” to deserve or qualify for treatment (which is, of course, not true at all!) The moment I walked into Dr. Mosser’s office, I knew I was welcomed, listened to, and taken seriously. Thank you so much for holding a safe, respectful, and liberating space for all folks on the spectrum.

    I am fortunate and privileged to have made it this far with the help of such a great support system. Without the weight of dysphoria, my mind and body feel so much lighter; even breathing seems a lot easier now. I am finally at peace with the person in the mirror staring back at me, and I remind them how proud I am for who we are, the choices we’ve made and for surviving the little everyday struggles.

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