
Facial Feminization Surgery: Tracheal Shave

The presence of an Adam’s Apple, the growth of thyroid cartilage in the neck that takes place during a testosterone-dominant puberty, is a visual cue associated with masculinity. For patients who experience dysphoria or discomfort associated with their Adam’s Apple, our surgeons can perform a tracheal shave procedure to reduce the size of the neck bump, making way for a smoother neck.

To achieve the tracheal shave, our surgeons can make a small incision made either under the chin or in the neck close to the thyroid cartilage. The advantage of making the incision under the chin is that the scar is more hidden than when it appears on the neck.

Tracheal Shave Recovery

Because of the proximity of the incision to the airways, patients who have a tracheal shave are usually asked to recover longer under medical supervision and might be required to stay in the hospital or be observed overnight. Recovery for this procedure involves soreness in the throat, which usually resolves after the first week.

Similar to all incisions, the full healing time is 12-18 months although patients should expect to see the redness around the scar fade away about 6 months after surgery.

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